Monday, August 27, 2012

English 345 Blog post 1

          Chapter one talks about English language lesson; how it looks like and problems and solution with English language lesson.  First, the author talked about an ESL classroom. The ESL classroom that the author observed had 15 Korean students who are young adults. Then, the author listed different activities. It was very interesting activity that the ESL teacher did. I was surprised about the English level that they had to learn. I learned these activities when I was in ESL in Junior High. Recently, I had a talk with my Junior High School ESL teacher. She told me that she was having problems because many Korean students understand grammar perfectly. However, they still struggle in conversational skills and using the grammar. I do not know when the observation conducted. However, I feel like lesson might be too easy especially for people from Seoul, South Korea. Many people who live in Seoul want to learn English and they are very competitive. If the ESL students were young adults, I feel like they should learn harder context. I feel like many ESL teachers teach easy context with ESL students. I have a friend who gets As on all of his ESL classes. However, his conversational skills are horrible. One day, I looked at his homework, and it was ridiculously easy for him. I feel like choosing the activity is very hard for ESL teachers. The reason is that the ESL teacher cannot pick too easy subject but not too hard subject.
          Chapter two talk about differences between approach, method and technique. Also, this book talked about major differences of methods. I didn’t know that there were many types of methods and have history with it. I learned some of methods like classical methods and grammar translation methods. Classical methods wasn’t very effective to me because I kept constantly had to memorize it rather than understanding the grammar. 

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