Tuesday, May 1, 2012

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The article called, Appropriating English, Expanding Identities, and Re-Visioning the Field:  From TESOL to Teaching English for Glocalized Communicatioin (TEGCOM) by A. Lin, et. al is about four authors’ autobiographies that was in China, Japan, Iran and Hong Kong. One of interesting themes that they talked about is how they are not motivated to use English in China because they do not use it every day. I have personal experience toward this theme. Before I came to United States, I rejected to learn English because I never, in million years, would come to United States. Also, I didn’t use it every day. Therefore, I wasn’t motivated to learn English. It was more difficult for me to learn English after I came to United States. The reason is that it was difficult for me to accept that I needed to learn English that I hated so much. It was so confusing for me because my parents never mention about coming to the United States. When I was reading this article, I can relate these points that the author made.
Some authors felt that they were ashamed of their English and so on. However, I never felt that before. The reason is that because I never motivated to learn English when I lived in Korea. Because I didn’t know English, it was easier for me to accept the second language. In the article, Wendy and Angel felt that English is their part of identity. It was interesting how they got to this point because I felt the same way. Even though some people believe that English is my second language, there are no such things as second language in my opinion. I feel like English and Korean are my first language. Because sometimes, I feel comfortable speaking English, and sometimes, I feel comfortable speaking Korean. Therefore, English isn’t my second language anymore. To me, English values same way as Korean.
One of interesting points that McKay & Bolkhorts pointed out in chapter seven was rejection of westernization. Some teachers believe that western culture is not motivation to students. They believe that learning western cultures might disconnect their own culture. At some point, I agree with this. Some people believe that accepting western culture is a way to learn English quicker. Some immigrants’ parents make their children to reject their cultures to learn English. My aunt and uncle thought this way also. They made my cousin to go only white school when his English was limited. Also, they made him watch English movies or shows only, because they thought that it would help him. However, it didn’t. In fact, he got bad grades during his school year because he couldn’t accept American culture. They moved to the different school later on.
These readings made me think that how thankful I am to experience things that not many people have experienced. I can relate many of readings that we did so far. As future teacher, I can relate my students, and help them when they need help.

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