Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Brown9-11 and Kumar 13

Brown chapter nine is about how to design curriculum for students to test their proficiency level and talked about importance f systematic process. Brown chapter ten and eleven is about how to make lesson plan and how to use technologies and materials to use in the classroom. These chapters focused on strategies to have individualized lesson plan. For the past few weeks, Brown focused on different methods for ESL classrooms. However, I was always wondered how to use those methods into lesson plan. Also, in Brown chapter, it talked about the different ways to prepare to know students proficiency. When I was in 6th grade, my bilingual teachers never asked the students their proficiency level. The first day of bilingual class, the teachers asked bilingual students their English proficiency levels. They didn’t even test my brother’s and my English proficiency level. It was problematic because there were some students whose English proficiency level was low or high. My 6th grade bilingual classmates and I still talked about our memory when we were in 6th grade. We all felt that we didn’t learn anything or it was beneficial for us while we were in 6th grade.  In Brown chapter eleven, it talked about textbook analysis and how to use right textbook in class. Sometimes, it will be hard to provide right textbook for ESL classroom because of financial conflict. Some schools don’t provide right textbook because of money. Therefore, it is hard to fine right textbook in class with small amount of money. When I was reading these chapters, there were few questions that came into my mind. How can we use right textbook for ESL classroom if there was a financial conflict? How we analyze the right textbook if we don’t know the students proficiency level?
In Kumar chapter thirteen, it talked about monitoring teaching acts by using M & M observation scheme. The M&M observation scheme can be used as a frame of preference and have 10 step procedures. M&M scheme for classroom observation can offer new way to use self evaluation and self-analyzing. M&M scheme is a great way to develop different lessons from practicing and analyzing and evaluating the lesson. 

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